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Skinfood 목욕 소금 - 라벤더

Made of natural salt rich in minerals from Australia, this bath salt contains herb extracts to relax your tired body and relieve stress.




미네랄이 풍부한 호주산 천연 소금으로 만든 허브 추출물이 함유되어 지친 몸을 이완시키고 스트레스를 풀어줍니다.

Skin Type

All Skin Type

Skin Concern


How To Use

Use 1 pack (80g) per full bath, 50g per half bath, and 15g for a foot bath. Use in warm water (around 40°C), enjoying the aroma scent.

Rating & Reviews

목욕 소금 - 라벤더
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