Steambase 흑당 인텐시브 리커버리 마스크 1매
A special 3-step home care for rough and dry skin that clears up the stratum corneum and hydrates skin with one sheet mask.
80% Off
거칠고 건조한 피부를 위한 특별한 3스텝 홈케어로 각질층을 깨끗하게 정돈하고 마스크 한 장으로 피부에 수분을 공급합니다.
각질제거 / 보습
Skin Concern
How To Use
1. Insert a finger into the clear pad and sweep along the skin texture.
2. After taking the sheet mask from packaging and squarely adhering to the skin, let sit for 15-20 minutes. Lightly pat the remaining essence into the skin to aid absorption.
3. Dispense a fair amount of eye cream and gently apply onto the skin while patting to aid absorption.