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Sunduk Jeju 카라비오멕스 포어 타이트닝 리밸런스 동백꿀 버블팩

An optimal recipe containing Jeju Centella asiatica, soothes the skin from external stimuli and helps regeneration.
4g X 12

$20.00 $9.50
52% Off


  • 모공 속 노폐물 제거에 도움
  • 피부 영양 공급 및 진정에 도움
  • 제주 동백나무 꿀추출물과 특허성분 함유

How To Use

1. Apply the product and cleanse it as if you are mass. 2. Wait for 2-3 minutes to let the bubbles act on the face to achieve a cleansing effect. When small bubbles are formed, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water 3. If left unattended for a long time, it may cause irritation to the skin, so rinse immediately after bubbles occur.

Rating & Reviews

카라비오멕스 포어 타이트닝 리밸런스 동백꿀 버블팩
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