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Skinfood 초코 디핑 마스카라 2 - 브라운 초코딥

A mascara that curls, volumize, lifts, and separates lashes for an "out-of-here" look. The specially designed brush features staggered bristles that grab close to the root, boosting length and volume beyond belief. With a deep chocolate-like long-wearing formula, you’ll flaunt luxurious, silky lashes that won’t smudge, clump, or dry out.


속눈썹을 컬링, 볼륨, 리프팅, 분리하여 "여기서 벗어난" 룩을 연출하는 마스카라. 특별히 디자인된 브러시는 모근에 가깝게 붙는 엇갈린 강모를 특징으로 하며 믿을 수 없을 정도로 길이와 볼륨을 높여줍니다. 초콜릿처럼 짙은 롱래스팅 포뮬라가 번짐, 뭉침, 건조함 없이 고급스럽고 매끈한 속눈썹을 연출해 줍니다.


Place the Lash Guard at the root of your lashes. 
Apply mascara from the root of your lashes by lifting your lashes. 
Fix your lashes by pushing your lashes with the curved side of the Lash Guard. Point make up remover is recommended to remove mascara.

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초코 디핑 마스카라 2 - 브라운 초코딥
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