MUSTUS 데일리 하베스트 스퀴즈 클린업 마스크팩 5매입 1박스
Contains the Veggie Balance White Complex consisting of cauliflower, onion, radish, pear and potato extracts, which makes the skin smooth and balanced.
75% Off
콜리플라워, 양파, 무, 배, 감자 추출물로 구성된 베지 밸런스 화이트 콤플렉스가 피부를 매끄럽고 균형있게 가꾸어줍니다.
Skin Concern
How To Use
1. Open the pouch, take the sheet. Find a fold at the 1/3 point and unfold upwards.
2. Hold the upper right part of the mask pack. Unfold from right to left.
3. Unfold both edges 01. right first. and 02. left second.
4. After washing and toning, place the mask on your face.
5. Remove 10-20 minutes later, Gently tap to make the remaining essence absorbed.