Hadariki Hadariki 발 시트 페퍼민트 - 6 PCS
HADARIKI Foot Sheet Peppermint is a foot pad enriched with natural plant ingredients which provide great functions to relax and recover your tired body. It can also be applied to the arm, shoulders, and stomach.
하다리키 풋 시트 페퍼민트는 천연 식물 성분이 풍부한 풋 패드로 지친 몸을 이완하고 회복시키는 데 탁월한 기능을 제공합니다. 팔, 어깨, 복부에도 적용할 수 있습니다.
How To Use
Take one patch and remove the adhesive side. Attach the smaller, medicated patch onto the bigger patch. Apply the patch to the sole of your foot and leave it on through the night. Remove in the morning and dispose of the patch.