Elizavecca 밀키피기 탄산 버블 클레이 마스크
Elizavecca milky piggy carbonated bubble clay mask is a bubble mud pack that provides pore cleaning and black head removal. Carbonated bubble cleanses pore with pore tightening effect of clay mud ingredient.
엘리자베카 밀키피기 탄산 버블 클레이 마스크는 모공 청소와 블랙헤드 제거를 도와주는 버블 머드 팩입니다. 탄산 거품이 클레이머드 성분의 모공수축 효과로 모공을 깨끗하게 클렌징해줍니다.

How To Use
1. Spread this clay mask on dry skin or makeup-ed skin. It does makeup cleansing and pore cleaning at once.
2. Apply it evenly. Do not apply it on wet skin for effective spreading.
3. Wait 5 minutes for self bubble forming.
4. You can maximize the cleansing and massage effect by massaging with water for 2 minutes. (Strong pore cleaning and removal of dead skin cell, makeup cleansing)
5. Wash off the bubbled content and finish without being dry.