OOZOO 프리미엄 블랙페이스 에너지 샷 마스크
귀한 블랙 7 콤플렉스의 신선한 성분을 최상의 상태로 전달하여 피부에 영양을 공급하여 손상으로부터 건강하고 탄력있는 피부로 가꾸어주는 프리미엄 마스크입니다.
Skin Concern
How To Use
1. Press down the button located on the top of the injection syringe so that the seal at the top compartment of the syringe releases to mix into the ingredients inside the syringe. Please make sure the ingredients are shaken and mixed well.
Step 2. Insert the thoroughly mixed ampoule into the cap located in the middle of the mask pouch and press down the piston completely to ensure all the ampoule has been completed injected into the mask. Step
3. Before opening to retrieve the mask, please make sure that the ampoule has been thoroughly absorbed and evenly dispersed throughout the mask sheet by lightly massing the pouch. Step
4. Apply the thoroughly saturated mask on your face, leave on for about 10~20 mins before removing. After removing, gently pat your face until the remaining ampoule essence is completely absorbed.