Inexpensive home self-bleaching. Hair dye consist of mixing agents 1 and 2. It does not flow or bounce for clean and easy self-hair bleaching. In a short period of time provide partial pr complete hair dis-colorization.
저렴한 가정용자가 표백. 염색약은 1제와 2제의 혼합제로 구성되어 있습니다. 흘러내리거나 튀지 않아 깔끔하고 간편한 셀프 탈색이 가능합니다. 짧은 시간에 부분적인 완전한 모발 변색을 제공합니다.
![에이프릴스킨 턴업 블리치](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0433/4036/5974/t/10/assets/ap-turn-up-bleach-desc.jpg?v=1598609004)
How To Use
Before use mix the agents 1 and 2 well and apply evenly to the hair.
Leave for 20 minutes (less or more depending on the result),
rinse well with lukewarm water and wash thoroughly with shampoo.