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  • Comment combattre 'Maskne' - la nouvelle acné

    Comment combattre 'Maskne' - la nouvelle acné

    Alors que de plus en plus d'États et de pays à travers le monde mettent en œuvre le port obligatoire de masques faciaux, un nouveau problème appelé «maskne» a fait surface. Maskne est un mot formé en combinant masque et acné. Si vous avez éclaté plus que d'habitude autour du menton, des carreaux ou du nez, c'est probablement dû à maskne !
  • How Much Protection Do These Face Masks Offer?

    How Much Protection Do These Face Masks Offer?

    As we continue to remain in lockdown for the second month, we urge everyone to continue their efforts in protecting themselves and others by staying home and taking preventative actions. Now that it's been proven that face masks help minimize the growing cases of COVID-19, it’s important to differentiate what each face mask offers.
  • Everything You Need To Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Everything You Need To Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Coronavirus disease, aka COVID-19, is a person-to-person respiratory disease with its first case found in Wuhan, China on December 1st, 2019. In January 2020, the city of Wuhan, which has an estimated population of 11 million, has been quarantined in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
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