ETUDE HOUSE 마이뷰티툴 해파리 실리콘 브러쉬
For exfoliating, massage and cleansing! A silicon brush to help gently and deeply cleanse pores with a fine, thick textured lather.
각질제거, 마사지, 클렌징까지! 미세하고 도톰한 질감의 거품이 모공 속까지 부드럽게 딥 클렌징을 도와주는 실리콘 브러쉬입니다.

How To Use
Wet the silicon brush, squeeze the cleansing foam into the sponge hole at the bottom and work up a lather by rubbing it with your hands. Use the fine silicon bristles to cleanse the face working in a circle, from inside outwards and use the other side to massage.