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I Dew Care 불곰 머리띠

Keep flyaways and hair out of the way while washing your face or putting on makeup/ skincare routine with this super soft, super cute, super picture-worthy brown bear headband.


다재다능함: 세안부터 메이크업/페이셜 스킨케어에 이르기까지 모든 것에 적합하거나 단독으로 착용하기에 적합합니다!

재사용 가능: 반복해서 착용하십시오! 필요한 경우 손세탁만 하십시오.

How To Use

Pull over head, then pull the front upwards to the top of head so all hair is out of the way and bear ears are at top.

Rating & Reviews

불곰 머리띠
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