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JAYJUN 올인원 멀티 클렌징 마스크 5매입 1박스

Takes care of complicated cleansing and a mask pack all at once. The cotton swab remover which contains nutritious milk and a large amount of naturally formed whipping bubbles thoroughly remove skin waste and makeup and keep the skin clean and fresh.
$51.55 $7.36
85% Off


복잡한 클렌징과 마스크팩을 한번에 케어해 드립니다. 영양 가득한 우유와 자연적으로 생성된 다량의 휘핑크림이 함유된 면봉 리무버가 피부 노폐물과 메이크업을 말끔히 제거하여 깨끗하고 산뜻한 피부로 가꿔줍니다.
jj-올인원마스크-1.jpg jj-올인원마스크-2.jpg

Skin Concern


How To Use

Lip and Eye Remover Cotton Swab:
Before applying the mask, remove point make-up such as the eyes and the lips using cotton swab makeup remover.

Bubble Cleansing Mask:
Before washing, remove point make-up such as the eyes and the lips using cotton swab makeup remover.
3 to 5 minutes after taking the mask sheet out and applying it evenly across your face, when the whipping bubbles start to form, peel mask from face and gently massage your face with the bubbles.

Rating & Reviews

올인원 멀티 클렌징 마스크 5매입 1박스
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