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Dariya 다리야팔티 버블팩 헤어컬러 - 시나몬츄러스

Dariya Palty Awapack Bubble Hair Color is an advanced, innovative hair coloring product which gives you glossy, shiny and outstanding results!


Dariya Palty Awapack Bubble Hair Color는 진보되고 혁신적인 헤어 컬러링 제품으로 윤기 있고 빛나며 뛰어난 결과를 선사합니다! 과일추출물, 해초추출물, 꿀 등 다양한 보습성분이 함유되어 건조한 모발을 부드럽게 가꿔줍니다. 부드럽고 풍성한 거품이 모근까지 닿아 균일하고 빛나는 결과를 선사합니다. 사용이 간편하고 컬러가 4주* 유지됩니다.

본 제품은 헤어솔루션(1), 헤어컬러링(2), 컵(3), 브러쉬(4), 헤어컨디셔너(5)로 구성되어 있습니다.

How To Use

1) Wear the attached gloves. Add hair solution (bottle 1) and hair coloring (bottle 2) into a cup.
2) Use attached brush to mix the solution and hair coloring for 20-40 times to create rich and soft foam.
3) Put some foam on hand and apply it to front, back & hair ends. Massage it gently so the foam can penetrate to the hair root and hard-to-reach area.
4) Leave the foam on your hair for 20~30minutes.
5) Rinse off thoroughly until the water runs clear (it should take less than a minute)
6) Use attached hair conditioner to coat your hair and rinse it off after 1-2 minutes.

Rating & Reviews

다리야팔티 버블팩 헤어컬러 - 시나몬츄러스
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