esfolio 골드 스네일 하이드로겔 아이패치
Gold snail hydrogel eye patch is made of a soft material that is excellent for moisturizing nutrition to relieve tired eyes and improve elasticity. Various ingredients including gold, snail secretion filtrate, hydrolyzed collagen, and panthenol help the skin around the eyes become more elastic.
골드스네일 하이드로겔 아이패치는 부드러운 소재로 보습영양에 탁월하여 피곤한 눈가를 진정시키고 탄력을 높여줍니다. 금, 달팽이점액여과물, 하이드롤라이즈드콜라겐, 판테놀 등 다양한 성분이 눈가 피부를 탄력있게 가꾸는데 도움을 줍니다.
How To Use
1. After cleansing, apply toner. 2. Please take an eye patch out with the spatula and apply it to the desired area of your face. 3. Take the eye patch off after 10~20 minutes and let the residual essence absorb onto your skin.