ETUDE HOUSE 히팅 아이 마스크 - 1패치
Smartphone, computer, doing homework overnight … Your tired eyes need rest! Heating Eye Mask provides comfortable rest to your dry, tired eyes with its cushiony texture and warm feel.
스마트폰, 컴퓨터, 밤새 숙제… 지친 눈은 휴식이 필요해! 쿠션감 있는 텍스처와 따뜻한 사용감으로 건조하고 지친 눈가에 편안한 휴식을 선사하는 히팅 아이 마스크.
How To Use
1. Open the product and take out the Heating Eye Mask.
2. Slowly tear along the cut line in the middle on the back side of the patch.
3. Place the white surface without the character print on skin around the eyes and hang onto the ears to wear.
4. Close your eyes and take a rest while enjoying the warm sensation that lasts for 20 minutes.