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leegeehaam 마스터 딥앤퀵 마스크 아쿠아 케어 1매

A aqua moisturizing facial mask formulated with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C derivative (magnesium ascorbyl phoaphate)

$5.18 $1.48
71% Off


히알루론산과 비타민C유도체(마그네슘아스코빌포아페이트)가 함유된 아쿠아 보습 마스크
lgh-아쿠아-1 lgh-아쿠아-2

Skin Concern


How To Use

A. Arrange skin with toner after cleansing. 2. Place the mask over the face except eye and mouth areas. 3. Leave on for 10-20 minutes. then remove and gently pat the remaining essence.

Rating & Reviews

마스터 딥앤퀵 마스크 아쿠아 케어 1매
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