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Skinfood 민트 스파클링 풋 필링 양말 - 5켤레

3-in-1: Powerfully Exfoliates, Smoothes, and Perfumes Feet.
A convenient sock-type foot peeling mask that effectively smoothes calloused skin and cracked feet.
$51.82 $29.61
42% Off


3-in-1: 강력하게 각질을 제거하고 매끄럽게 하며 향을 발산합니다.
굳어진 피부와 갈라진 발을 효과적으로 매끄럽게 해주는 편리한 양말 타입의 풋 필링 마스크입니다.

Skin Type

All Skin Type

Skin Concern


How To Use

Wear the foot masks and put tape around ankles to keep the masks in place.
Wait for 60 to 90 minutes until the mask content is absorbed.
Remove the masks and wash off thoroughly. Dry.
Dead skin cells and calluses will start falling off your feet in 4 to 6 days after application.
Do not scrub them off. It takes about 2 weeks for all the dead skin cells and calluses to peel off and reveal softer, smoother skin underneath.

Rating & Reviews

민트 스파클링 풋 필링 양말 - 5켤레
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