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ETUDE HOUSE 마이뷰티툴 눈썹 빗 가위

This is an easy-to-use pair of Eyebrow Comb Scissors with a removable comb that effectively trims and grooms the eyebrows.


이것은 눈썹을 효과적으로 다듬고 손질하는 탈착식 빗이 있는 사용하기 쉬운 쌍의 눈썹 빗 가위입니다.

How To Use

1. Neatly organize your eyebrow with the eyebrow brush.
2. Comb your upper to lower brow hair with the brow brush, and starting from the ends to the front of your eyebrows, trim 0.2 mm of stray hair that escapes the grasp of the attached comb.
3. For shorter eyebrow hair, trim off an additional 0.1 mm, starting from the ends to the front of your eyebrows.

Rating & Reviews

마이뷰티툴 눈썹 빗 가위
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