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lapalette 9호 워터팩 클렌징 - 레몬

Magical Jelly Cleanser gives perfect skin purification, apply of Detox Juice Extraction feeling for all skin exposed to city pollution and wrong cleansing.

250g / 8.81 oz



매지컬 젤리 클렌저는 도시공해와 잘못된 클렌징에 노출된 모든 피부에 완벽한 피부 정화, 디톡스 착즙 느낌을 선사합니다.
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How To Use

Take a small amount with a spatula and massage onto skin. Then,rinse with lukewarm water.


lemon extract, 95% natural ingredients.

Rating & Reviews

9호 워터팩 클렌징 - 레몬
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