Holika Holika 스윗페코 퓨어 에센스 젤리 마스크 시트 - 키위
Highly concentrated water jelly essence enables intensive nourishment and moisture care with its rich texture and excellent adhering feeling.
고농축 워터젤리 에센스가 풍부한 텍스처와 뛰어난 밀착감으로 집중적인 영양 공급과 수분 케어가 가능합니다.

How To Use
1. After washing the face, tidy up skin texture with toner.
2. Lightly rub the pouch before opening. Take out the mask and evenly place on the face while aligning it with the eyes and nose.
3. Remove the sheet after 10-20 minutes and lightly tap the face to promote the absorption of the remaining essence into skin.