TAG 태그 슬림핏 아이라이너
The Touch A Gleam Slim Fit Eyeliner is a super slim, angled, gel eyeliner pencil that is designed for drawing detailed and delicate lines. The oblique point allows you to effortlessly draw a sleek wing or line your eyelid and lash line. The slim pencil design adds more control so you can create a smooth line efficiently.
1 Pencil
49% Off
- 각진 팁으로 정확하고 얇은 라인을 그리는 슈퍼 슬림 젤 아이라이너 펜슬입니다.
- 쉽게 바르기 좋은 부드러운 버터 텍스처.
- 더 나은 제어를 위한 슬림하고 가벼운 펜슬 디자인.
How To Use
Twist out the a small amount of the tip of the gel pencil liner.
Line the eyes and lash line according to your eye shape and preference.