TT Mary TT Mary Spa Gelpatch 42°C - 패치 5개
An abdominal heating fat burning diet patch for weight loss, PMS, and abdominal pain. Spa gelpatch 42 ° C heats up immediately upon contact with skin, generating a moderate thermal sensation lasting more than 8 hours that will help with fat burning and slimming of the target areas such as abdomen. Or cut it up and stick it at any other areas you would like to target!
49% Off
체중 감량, 생리전 증후군, 복통을 위한 복부 온열 지방 연소 다이어트 패치. 스파 젤패치 42°C는 피부에 닿는 즉시 뜨거워져 8시간 이상 지속되는 적당한 온열감을 발생시켜 복부와 같은 목표 부위의 지방 연소와 날씬한 몸매를 가꾸는데 도움을 줍니다. 또는 잘라서 목표로 삼고 싶은 다른 부위에 붙입니다!
How To Use
1. Peel off the central film and paste the heart shaped part according to the belly button.
2. Please peel off the film on both sides and push it without bias so that it firmly adheres to the skin.
3. Putting on the sole at bedtime helps with sound sleep and toxins removal.
Cordyceps sinensis extract, Pepper extract (capsaicin), Coffee extract, Soil mineral, Mineral oil, TPE gel