APIEU 화이트밀크 원팩 마스크 1매
Milk protein extract softens skin dead skin for clear skin care. Aloe extract supply moisture with soothing effect.
50% Off
우유 단백질 추출물이 피부 각질을 부드럽게 하여 맑은 피부로 가꾸어 줍니다. 알로에 추출물은 진정 효과로 수분을 공급합니다.

Skin Concern
How To Use
1. After cleansing, attach the mask on your face tightly.
2. About 10~20 minutes later, take off the mask
3. Dab your face softly and lightly.
Special Note: Considering the skins 4 week turnover term, it is most effective to use consecutively 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks (one month concentrated skin management program).
Aloe Vera Extract, Milk Protein Extract, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol