Frownies 轻柔提拉唇纹,60 片
Frownies Gentle Lifts Wrinkle Treatment for Lip Line fit comfortably around your mouth to reduce the appearance of lip lines that occur from smoking, drinking through a straw and facial expressions.
60 Patches
30% Off
- Gentle Lifts 就像柔软的棉衬里创可贴。
- 贴片中不含乳胶或硅胶。它们具有柔软的边缘和坚硬的中心,可轻柔地提拉面部,去除后边缘不会留下任何痕迹。适用于鼻子和嘴巴之间等狭小或狭窄的区域。
- Gentle Lifts 不含活性成分;他们使用与纸质面部贴片相同的机械过程。
- Gentle Lifts 对木偶纹和双眼之间的效果也很好。
- 由于棉质衬里和柔软的边缘,温和提升让皮肤呼吸。就像保护皮肤健康的贴片一样。
Product Type
Lip Line Patch, Facial Patch
Skin Concern
How To Use
1. Peel the paper back from the patch.
2. Smooth out and separate the lines with your fingers.
3. Apply the patch over the smoothed lines.
4. Remove patches by slightly wetting to release the adhesive.
5. Stick patch on clean, smooth surface and reuse until adhesive is no longer sticky