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Saborino 早安面膜 - 5片

BCL Saborino Morning Face Mask is a 3-in-1 face mask that designed for having a fast and efficient face care in morning. The mask will take effect in just 60 seconds and you can start applying make-up afterwards.


BCL Saborino Morning Face Mask 是一款三合一面膜,专为在早晨进行快速有效的面部护理而设计。面膜将在短短 60 秒内生效,之后您就可以开始化妆了。

多重功效:只需60秒,为您带来洁面、护肤、妆前乳(打底)三合一的功效 补水、滋养、收紧肌肤 增强肌肤弹性,减少清晨眼袋 令人愉悦的果香草本香味

How To Use

Open the lid and take out one mask sheet, apply it onto the face. Leave for 60 seconds then remove.

Rating & Reviews

早安面膜 - 5片