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Pyuan Pyuan 天然慢速护发素

The conditioner has a slightly acidic formula that moisturises hair while maintaining hair and scalp’s healthiest pH level. Its “Natural & Slow” grapefruit and lavender fragrance is slowly released as the sweat and humidity increase to deodourise sweaty hair and scalp during the day.


$23.54 $14.70
37% Off


这款护发素采用微酸性配方,可滋润头发,同时保持头发和头皮最健康的 pH 值。它的“Natural & Slow”葡萄柚和薰衣草香味随着汗水和湿度的增加而缓慢释放,从而在白天为出汗的头发和头皮除臭。

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Pyuan 天然慢速护发素