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SKINMISO 真正的清洁去角质凝胶

Cleanse off dead cells and dirt gently and softly with natural plants ingredients, and improve skin tone.
$39.89 $15.96
59% Off


  • 一种低过敏性水凝胶,含有天然植物提取物,可去除毛孔中的污垢和杂质。
  • 为皮肤提供深层温和的去角质和保湿。
  • 控制皮脂分泌过多。
  • 减少潜在皮肤问题的可能性,如粉刺、白头和黑头。

How To Use

1. After cleansing, apply a moderate amount onto dry skin, avoiding the eye and lip area.
2. Massage your face in rolling motions.
3. Wash off with lukewarm water.

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