unicharm Silcot Uruuru 1-2 纯棉泡芙
Japan #1 cotton puff that makes skin amazingly moist with 50% less lotion. Soft touch with no-fuzz patting because the moist sponge material used for the puff. Can be easily separated into two sheets and use it as an eye mask. With the curved design, it could easily fits the contour area around the eyes.
22% Off
日本排名第一的棉质粉扑,只需少用 50% 的乳液,即可令肌肤倍感滋润。柔软的触感和无绒毛拍打,因为用于粉扑的湿海绵材料。可以很容易地分成两张,用作眼罩。通过弧形设计,它可以轻松贴合眼睛周围的轮廓区域。
How To Use
Step 1. Separate it into two sheets
Step 2. Apply lotion on the puff
Step 3. Place under eyes area and use it as an eye mask
Pulp, Rayon