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CLIO 超级防笔衬里杀死

1. Shake 2 to 3 times before use, tip-down.

2. Create a line from beginning to end along the lash line.

3. Gently clean the brush with wet wipes if needed.

4. Store tip-down so the brush is always saturated.

$26.67 $13.34
49% Off


  • 防水、超薄液体眼线笔。
  • 超纤细的刷子让您轻松打造纤细但生动的眼线笔。
  • 具有特殊涂层,防水防油不晕染。
  • 采用储墨罐笔型和密封盖,防止眼线脱落,打造持久眼线。

How To Use

An easy to use waterproof, ultra-thin liquid eyeliner with smudge-free, long-lasting effects.


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