The Creme Shop Gudetama 金色去角质鼻膜
This peel-off nose mask helps you get your nose back on track. 15 minutes is all it takes for pee-off mask to remove impurities safely and effectively while minimizing the look of pores.
1.76 oz
这款剥离式鼻罩可帮助您让鼻子恢复正常。 pee-off 面膜只需 15 分钟即可安全有效地去除杂质,同时最大限度地减少毛孔的外观。
How To Use
1. Apply on even layer onto clean nose.
2. Allow 10-15 minutes for mask to dry.
3. Gently peel off and discard.
4. Remove any residue with warm water.