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the SAEM 治愈茶园绿茶油洁面水

Strong Cleansing Power: This cleansing water is combined with 80% of cleansing water and 20% of oil, strong enough for you to remove heavy makeup.
$12.00 $3.99
66% Off


强大的清洁力:这款清洁水结合了 80% 的清洁水和 20% 的油,足以让您去除浓妆。这款洁面水混合了绿茶和绿茶籽提取物,可形成保护层,增加面部皮肤的保水性。水层温和去除死皮细胞和底妆,而油层融化睫毛膏和口红等化妆品。

How To Use

For base makeup removal and cleansing:
- Shake well before use.
- Apply right amount on a cotton pad, massage gently to remove makeup, rinse off with warm water and cleansing foam.

For heavy makeup removal:
- Shake the bottle before use.
- Apply right amount on a cotton pad, and place onto the desired area and wait for 10-15 seconds.
- Lastly, wipe across the desired area.

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