Age 20's 招牌精华遮瑕粉饼 - Long Stay 21
Stay with me! This long-wearing cushion pact is infused with dracaena extract to soothe irritated skin and fine powders to control oil and sebum production. It is formulated for a long-lasting matte finish that won't easily budge throughout the day while providing buildable coverage with a lightweight finish that adheres to the skin seamlessly.
+1 Refill
62% Off
- 14g / 浅米色
- 富含 71% 的护肤精华素,含有 7 种抗氧化成分,可促进水合作用,防止皮肤老化。
- 3 合 1 Triple Latte 配方可修正、遮盖并打造明亮肤色。
- Skinmilar 和 SACRAN 成分有助于强化皮肤并保持水分。
- 抗菌粉扑可均匀涂抹并提供出色的附着力。
- 强力防紫外线,抗皱美白功能产品。
一款含有透明质酸和肽的精华遮瑕粉饼,可抚平肌肤,焕发光彩,令肌肤更紧致年轻。 (14克)

How To Use
1. Apply a small amount with enclosed puff, starting in the center of face and blend outward until the desired coverage is achieved.
2. Close a lid securely after use.